
Tree Words

Tree Words

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who would have known to expect the unexpected

Fulfill thy soul to expect the unexpected..
The unexpected shall slap thy face unexpectedly...
Who would have known that everyday is a matter made to happen...
The forces of matter mattered more than just everyday...
The forces were collected by the unexpected as a roadmap to retrieve the unknown.
From a free spirit the unknown was never questioned.
Who would have known what the
The unknown looked rather intimidating, but who would have known if it not questioned or challenged.
A free spirit soul never leads to wrong path...
Expecting the unexpected the unknown has been retrieved...
The unknown of tears and laughter...
The unknown that brought light into lives...
The unknown that cannot be lost...
The unknown that has to be known...
The free spirit soul was made to know the unknown, and the unknown was known 
Knowledge of rich...
But rich did not bring happiness thy soul..
Thy soul has searched for better investment of wealth...
Today the soul lives in wealth from the known knowledge.
Thy shall keep thy knowledge where no one can find it.
Knowledge is God's given gift, and rich will not make u happy than choosing to know your knowledge of wealth, through expecting the unexpected.

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

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