
Tree Words

Tree Words

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Climbing Mount Everest

Climbing Mount Everest was a challenge with no research given, and no researched arranged.
I was not geared up... I was not aware how high the mountain was...
I climbed... but could never see a sign of reaching the top... 
At times it felt this mountain was the size of the universe...
There was no ending which made me forget there was a beginning...
Walking was becoming a norm with lost hope on reaching my destiny, yet turning back was not an option with the distance I had walked..
As I walk...
The journey kept becoming rough and steep..
Crying day and night, asking why did I put myself into climbing this mountain... Why was the heavy burden put on me...
What did I do to deserve this pain...
With no answers I kept going...
Every time when I was giving up because of dehydration, I would bump into a puddle of fresh spring water.
The water was so refreshing, it always gave me strength to keep going.
As I walked, I would stumble into rocks, step on twigs that would cut deep into my feet, causing great wounds that would leave scars.
I would always feel like giving up at that point...
But how could I just give up when giving up was almost suicidal.
I gained more strength from that thoughts...
Giving myself away to mountain lions was not an option...
So I kept walking...
When I was about to give up hope on this destination, I see the top of the mountain...
With excitement and happiness, my body became numb with the adrenaline rush flowing in my body.
I suddenly got this energy, ran up the mountain top.
The pain in my body from tiredness...
The wounds from the cuts...
Did not exist no more, mentally..
I reached my destination of climbing the mountain.
I’m on the top...
I’m in pain...

God please help me heal my pain and wounds. Help me regain my strength, so I can walk with you because I have been so lost without you and want to walk with you together forever...

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

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