
Tree Words

Tree Words

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Journey of a mile or thousand miles

A journey that is undefined is a journey of a thousand miles.
A journey begins in a mile and a journey of a mile is unthought-of.

A journeys is said to be existing when one travels out of their comfort zones.
To enjoy the journey of a thousand miles, comfort zones should not exist.
Your mind explores subjects that you wouldn’t expect..
Drive you into a journey that you wouldn't want to take..

The matter of your mind takes you on a journey..
A journey that exists in your dreams..
A journey that exists in your thoughts..
A journey that exists in your visions..
The true elements of such journeys steer you with no control, you just drift away.

A journey of a mile could last for ten seconds..
Ten seconds without any physical movements of travelling.
A journey of a thousand miles are magnified, because a journey has truly two outcomes, that are ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’
While travelling a journey of a thousand miles, a journey of a mile will always be activated.
A journey of a thousand miles is travelled through a journey of a mile…
The key to a journey of a mile is unlocked by the key to a journey of a thousand miles....

Enjoy your journey, smile everyday, be confident, self -care, love yourself, know your worth, pray, experience goodness, be happy, patient and be purpose driven changing the world to be a better place.

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

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