
Tree Words

Tree Words

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Journey of a mile or thousand miles

A journey that is undefined is a journey of a thousand miles.
A journey begins in a mile and a journey of a mile is unthought-of.

A journeys is said to be existing when one travels out of their comfort zones.
To enjoy the journey of a thousand miles, comfort zones should not exist.
Your mind explores subjects that you wouldn’t expect..
Drive you into a journey that you wouldn't want to take..

The matter of your mind takes you on a journey..
A journey that exists in your dreams..
A journey that exists in your thoughts..
A journey that exists in your visions..
The true elements of such journeys steer you with no control, you just drift away.

A journey of a mile could last for ten seconds..
Ten seconds without any physical movements of travelling.
A journey of a thousand miles are magnified, because a journey has truly two outcomes, that are ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’
While travelling a journey of a thousand miles, a journey of a mile will always be activated.
A journey of a thousand miles is travelled through a journey of a mile…
The key to a journey of a mile is unlocked by the key to a journey of a thousand miles....

Enjoy your journey, smile everyday, be confident, self -care, love yourself, know your worth, pray, experience goodness, be happy, patient and be purpose driven changing the world to be a better place.

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who would have known to expect the unexpected

Fulfill thy soul to expect the unexpected..
The unexpected shall slap thy face unexpectedly...
Who would have known that everyday is a matter made to happen...
The forces of matter mattered more than just everyday...
The forces were collected by the unexpected as a roadmap to retrieve the unknown.
From a free spirit the unknown was never questioned.
Who would have known what the
The unknown looked rather intimidating, but who would have known if it not questioned or challenged.
A free spirit soul never leads to wrong path...
Expecting the unexpected the unknown has been retrieved...
The unknown of tears and laughter...
The unknown that brought light into lives...
The unknown that cannot be lost...
The unknown that has to be known...
The free spirit soul was made to know the unknown, and the unknown was known 
Knowledge of rich...
But rich did not bring happiness thy soul..
Thy soul has searched for better investment of wealth...
Today the soul lives in wealth from the known knowledge.
Thy shall keep thy knowledge where no one can find it.
Knowledge is God's given gift, and rich will not make u happy than choosing to know your knowledge of wealth, through expecting the unexpected.

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Climbing Mount Everest

Climbing Mount Everest was a challenge with no research given, and no researched arranged.
I was not geared up... I was not aware how high the mountain was...
I climbed... but could never see a sign of reaching the top... 
At times it felt this mountain was the size of the universe...
There was no ending which made me forget there was a beginning...
Walking was becoming a norm with lost hope on reaching my destiny, yet turning back was not an option with the distance I had walked..
As I walk...
The journey kept becoming rough and steep..
Crying day and night, asking why did I put myself into climbing this mountain... Why was the heavy burden put on me...
What did I do to deserve this pain...
With no answers I kept going...
Every time when I was giving up because of dehydration, I would bump into a puddle of fresh spring water.
The water was so refreshing, it always gave me strength to keep going.
As I walked, I would stumble into rocks, step on twigs that would cut deep into my feet, causing great wounds that would leave scars.
I would always feel like giving up at that point...
But how could I just give up when giving up was almost suicidal.
I gained more strength from that thoughts...
Giving myself away to mountain lions was not an option...
So I kept walking...
When I was about to give up hope on this destination, I see the top of the mountain...
With excitement and happiness, my body became numb with the adrenaline rush flowing in my body.
I suddenly got this energy, ran up the mountain top.
The pain in my body from tiredness...
The wounds from the cuts...
Did not exist no more, mentally..
I reached my destination of climbing the mountain.
I’m on the top...
I’m in pain...

God please help me heal my pain and wounds. Help me regain my strength, so I can walk with you because I have been so lost without you and want to walk with you together forever...

Buhle Brightness Dlamini

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Music stole Silence

Music stole silence to treasure gold. 
Thee treasure is now not to be found. 
We seek for tranquility through silence, but music withholds the tranquility of silence. 
The power of peace... power of finding ones soul... power of relaxation... power of connection... and the power of freedom... 
Music binds the forces to deprive silence. 
Silence seeks power yet builds trauma to thee soul. 
With absolute silence, it does not exist. 
Not even the peaceful midnight can silence become silent. 
The rhythms of music are always in power. 
Music spreads in the most silent atmosphere created by nature rhythms. 
One shall seek silence in music, because silence in music exist to close unwanted sound that are supposedly silent. 
Silence failure of becoming silent, the golden treasure can be retrieved in music.

Buhle Brightness Dlamini